THE GEBC COMMISSIONING APP GEBC APP is desigend to easily manage and control your entire commercial
lighting ecosystem via Bluetooth mesh technology,without requiring a gateway
and no Accout needed. The mesh network enables wireless communication up
to 100 feet or more between devices, and commissioning does not require
any internet access.
DEVICES There are two ways to add devices--engineering mode and quick adding
mode, which can be selected according to the actual project situation.
You can recognize and add all GEBC sensors and controllers via Bluetooth
mesh technology. Each mode can achieve no data loss. Our system can be
fast and efficient.
SCENES Scenes allow you to illuminate areas based on specific lighting needs, times, or
activities. Scenes establish programmed settings for individual lights or groups
of lights. The Scenes can be set manually by users. Activating a scene will cause
all members to adopt the settings to the selected scene.
SCHEDULES Schedules allow the user to program lighting changes for specific dates and
times. Schedules can be applied to an individual light, a group, or a scene.
Schedules are saved locally and in the cloud for easy syncing.
CCT CONTROLS Control the correlated color temperature (CCT) of your favorite light fixtures
with GEBC CCT Sensors. Easily warm fixture output by adjusting to the low
end of the CCT color spectrum or adjust to a bright white by sliding to the
higher end of the CCT spectrum. Presets are also available for quick accurate
ENERGY MONITORING GEBC lighting control system is capable of providing energy
monitoring report for customers and clients to better analyze
andoptimize the lighting energy consumptions. The energy
data is collected and report is generated by GEBC iOS APP.
SAAS MANAGEMENT GEBC Lighitng Control system can also commission device via website.
You only need to scan the code to authorize login, and you can log in to
the project and set up the device on the SaaS side.